What do I need to do ahead of the change?

Most customers won’t need to do a thing. You’ll simply receive one bill from 1 October 2021.

However, please note:

  • If you, or someone living in your household, is a Medically Dependent Consumer please get in touch with us (if you haven’t already) to ensure we have your status recorded on your account.
  • Customers who currently split their energy charges (e.g., one person pays The Lines Company’s bill, and another pays the Nova bill) will need to talk to the other party concerned, about the best way to share your bill going forward.
  • If you have arranged with the Ministry of Social Development to have part of your benefit redirected to The Lines Company, you will need to have this payment either cancelled or moved to your electricity retailer once your final The Lines Company bill has been paid.
  • If you have set up automatic payments to pay The Lines Company bill – don’t forget to cancel these with your bank after your final bill to The Lines Company has been paid.